Monday - Sunday: 8.30AM to 6PM

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Products and Distribution

1. When will items be shipped?
Answer: Usually stock items ship 1-2 days after receipt of order. Specialty items take a little longer.

2. Do I have to order a case pack?
Answer: With some items a case can be broken. Call and we will work with you.

3. Do you carry other items that are not listed?
Answer: We carry many items and also have access to all linens, products and hospitality items. Please call us at 800-722-0429 and we will help you.

4. How do I order?
Answer: Just give us a call and we can help you with your needs. We give each facility personalized service.

5. What if I need items the next day?
Answer: We are set up for emergencies and will assist you the best we can, and provide next day service everywhere.

6. What if I Have a Budget?
Answer: We work with everyone on this. If you have a certain budget, we an give you dating so you have the right amount of products so you do not have to worry. We work with you so you are not over your budget.

7. What about Standing Orders?
Answer: We do this for everyone. With inflation, we protect you so you have no concern in pricing increases. Also we can ship a certain amount of items, so you have it on the first of each month every month for a year or whatever you decide.

8. What is your promise to your customers?
Answer: We promise apples for apples you will have the best product at the best price, with great delivery and great products from us.